Since 1 January 2014 two salary ceilings still remain relevant for the proper implementation of the law of 3 July 1978 relating to the employment contracts. These salary ceilings are adapted annually, as from 1 January, in consideration of the evolution of the salaries, as fixed in accordance with the collective labour agreements for the private sector. However, for determining the notices for employees, already on 31 December 2013 at the employ of their current employer, reference must be made to these salary ceilings, as applicable on 31 December 2013.
In the fight against social fraud also the phenomenon of the false self-employed workers is particularly aimed at. In a number of professions co-operation on a self-employed basis is widely spread. But, are they really “self-employed workers” ? Cooperating with a would-be independent worker may turn out to be an expensive exercise for the disguised employer in case of a requalification (possibly at the initiative of the National Social Security Office). Paying attention about how the co-operation is structured is therefore essential, right as from the beginning!
The well-functioning of an enterprise requires the filling of a vacuum left (unintentionally) by a long-term ill employee. But what is the best way to handle that as an employer? A temporary employee via a temporary agency is an obvious solution, but an expensive one. Other options? Attention please! A discrimination issue lurks around the corner. An employer established in the Leuven area experienced it firsthand.
The social elections for the designation of the representatives of the personnel in the works’ council and the committee for prevention and protection at work had to be organized during the period 11 – 24 May 2020.
Due to the Corona-crisis the election procedure has been suspended. The procedure has been reactivated meanwhile and the new election period runs from 16 November 2020 up to 29 November 2020.
As a result also a new occult protection period applies. In the case of an envisaged lay-off, think twice before going ahead!
Since 1 January 2014 two salary ceilings still remain relevant for the proper implementation of the law of 3 July 1978 relating to the employment contracts. These salary ceilings are adapted annually, as from 1 January, in consideration of the evolution of the salaries, as fixed in accordance with the collective labour agreements for the private sector.
However, for determining the notices for employees, already on 31 December 2013 at the employ of their current employer, reference must be made to these salary ceilings, as applicable on 31 December 2013.